Freelance Web Developer @ Tokyo, Japan


























Thank you for visiting this website.

I am a freelance web creator in Tokyo.

I make web pages and web applications happily every day.

This is quite sudden, but the best way is to create and manage your own website by yourself rather than letting others.

You don't need a license or qualification to create a website, and you don't need to get permission or approval from anyone. Besides, it doesn't cost much.

There are many useful tools to support creation now, so anyone, regardless of age or gender, can casually create and manage.

Also, if you create and manage your own website, you can update it anytime you want, 24 hours a day. It is easy to change the layout and decoration according to the changing feelings every day.

If you find some broken layout or some bug, you can fix those immediately. You feel free to tune code to the latest trends and optimize the display for ever-evolving devices.

Above all, a website is a place of self-expression in cyberspace, so it is better to create and manage them yourself to enhance your brand image.

The same applies to non-public web applications that are used internally of a company or in limited locations, such as attendance management systems and invoice generation tools, etc.

Others can't fully understand the behavior and psychology of staff who use web applications. If a company or organization codes web applications by themselves, they can be fine-tuned to make it easier for staff to use.

I often hear that systems related to things that change rapidly, such as business lineup and HR, are not keeping up with the changes. The states that the system is not keeping up are inefficiency. If you can update web applications by yourself, you can respond immediately to rule changes and solute such states.

That said, creating and managing a website is time-consuming than our expectations. It doesn't cost money, but it takes time. The higher the quality of a website, the more time we spend creating and managing a website.

In recent years, the word "Internet" has been taken for granted, but there are few people that can explain logically what is the "Internet" and what is the difference between the "Internet" and the "web (world wide web)"

If you don't have the knowledge or skills of the Web or programming for what you want to express, you'll also need time to learn them.

Coding and programming are becoming the necessary skills to use in human life, just like cooking, sewing, arithmetic, crafts, and reporting. It's better can them than can't.

However, because it takes a lot of time, it is only happy to be able to create and learn while having fun, but it is hard work if you can't enjoy it.

If you have no time or don't having fun coding or programming, please contact me. I can produce websites for you.

The website doesn't finish when it has published. I'll do my best to enhance your brand image if you make friends with me for a long time.

Or, if you'd like, I'll explain the structure and codes of the website I created for updating it yourself.

If you want to manage website by yourself, please request. I'll try to help you learn web knowledge and skills by having fun.

I sincerely hope that all businesses, organizations, and individuals, whether large-scale or small-scale, public or commercial, will manage their own website by themselves.

Best regards,

Saito Yuji


create a new public website
create a new internal web app
update an existing website/web app

I can accept your favor anything about the Web.


I was born in Nagoya in 1982.

From junior high school to university, I enjoyed the time attack game (speedrun) of newspaper delivery for tuition and pocket money.

With every typhoon and snowfall, I learned a bit about the loneliness that the seeker of truth of all times and places had been wanting to experience.

When I was in university, based on the lesson that "If students have got that much free time that coming to the university, they'd be better off go to the city to study" by a professor, so I often sought philosophy books in the city.

And based on the lesson that "you should watch three movies a day" by another professor, so I watched the average of two movies a day.

Somehow playing bass seemed interesting, so I played bass with some bands. It was really fun. After a while, I wondered if playing bass is interesting because the string bass doesn't have as many precepts, rules, norms, and manners compared to vocal and other instruments. Cool Bass Tunes

In charge of call center quality control at a telemarketing company, I learned the good or bad speeches and the good or bad timing of words.

I realized that the web tools are appropriate for the stability of education and customer satisfaction, so I created intranet web tools by watching and imitating.

Soon after, I fell in love with the variety of expressions on the Web and began to study on my own in earnest. And I gained experience in programming, database, and infrastructure through transfer departments and job changes.

I had become self-employed in April 2019.

Even now, I am still studying web.

HTML CSS Javascript SVG Canvas WebGL Node.js PHP Python SQL CMS Webサーバー 構築・設定 配達 映画批評 ベース演奏 苦情処理 シャツ作り
HTML CSS Javascript SVG Canvas WebGL Node.js PHP Python SQL CMS Web Server Setting Up Quick Delivery Film Criticism Playing Bass Complaint Handling Dress Shirts Making
I’m still considering...
I’m still considering...
I’m still considering...
by Colin Greenwood
by Dave Konopka
by 日向 秀和
by ミト
by Flea
by 廣瀬 "HEESEY" 洋一
by Cornellius
by Stefanie Drootin
by 百田 留衣 (programming)
by 渡辺シュンスケ (moog bass)

開発・制作中のご連絡や資料提供には、主に Slack と Google Drive を使用していますが、もし他にご指定のチャットツールやファイル共有サービスがございましたら、できる限りご対応いたします。


Get in Touch

While development or creation, I mainly use Slack and Google Drive for contact and providing materials. But, if you mainly use any other chat tools or file-sharing services, I will use those as much as I can.

If you are a new customer, sorry to bother you, but please contact me about your request or consultation by e-mail.